Currency Derivatives Valuation Training
Currency derivatives are contingent claim financial instruments whose value depends on some underlying currency pair exchange rates. Currency derivatives are widely used by many large and medium enterprises with exposure to foreign currencies to hedge their Forex risks. Banks and other financial institutions offer a wide range of over-the-counter (OTC) currency derivative products like Currency Forwards, Currency Futures, Cross Currency Swaps, Cross Currency Interest Rate Swaps (CIRCUS), Cross-currency Options, etc. Such products being mostly traded OTC, the price discovery is not transparent or easy for the buyers. While the large sell-side institutions have the capabilities for valuation of such products they sell, the buy side organisations mostly don't have the expertise and capabilities to value the products properly and discover the right price for the trades.
We conduct bespoke training programs for valuation of various currency derivative products for treasury departments of firms depending on the needs of the organization and the participant profile, the course would start with learning about the various currency derivative products and then go on to learning their valuations models.