Welcome to Our Series of Webinars - Deep Dives with IIQF Experts
Indian Institute of Quantitative Finance
Program details
This webinar will be conducted by one of the leading luminaries in the investment industry, Mr. Saurabh Mukherjea. Come and join us as Saurabh talks about the investment techniques followed by the Marcellus team to pick stocks of potential multibaggers and consistent compounders. In the webinar he will be discussing about his latest book Diamonds in the Dust which lays out Marcellus' investment technique.
Marcellus' technique has 3 parts to it:
- Forensic accounting
- Assessment of capital allocation
- Assessment of the strength of the franchise
Saurabh is the CIO at Marcellus. He is the former CEO of Ambit Capital and played a key role in Ambit’s rise as a broker and a wealth manager. When Saurabh left Ambit in June 2018, assets under advisory were 800 mn. In London, Saurabh was the co-founder of Clear Capital, a small cap equity research firm which he and his co-founders created in 2003 and sold in 2008. In 2017 upon SEBI’s invitation, he joined SEBI’s Asset Management Advisory Committee.
In 2019 Saurabh was part of the five man Expert Committee created by SEBI to upgrade and update the PMS regulations. Saurabh has written four bestselling books including ``Gurus of Chaos`` (2014), ``The Unusual Billionaires`` (2016) and ``Coffee Can Investing The low risk route to stupendous wealth`` (2018). Saurabh was educated at the London School of Economics where he earned a BSc in Economics (with First Class Honours) and MSc in Economics (with distinction in Macro Microeconomics). He is Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.