...(Job ID : FA2015011)
Placement Program
Current Requirements
Market Risk Profiles (Job ID : MRR202107)
Applications are invited for current and past IIQF®️ students for Market Risk and Model Validation teams for one of the the Big 4 Consulting firm. The positions will be based out of Mumbai.
Market Risk Profiles (Job ID : MRP202107)
Applications are invited for current and past IIQF®️ students for Risk – Consultant positions for one of worlds largest consulting and professional service delivery company. The positions will based out Gurgaon, Bangalore & Mumbai.
Risk Consultant (Job ID : RC202107)
Applications are invited for current and past IIQF®️ students for Risk – Consultant positions for one of worlds largest consulting and professional service delivery company. The positions will based out Gurgaon, Bangalore & Mumbai.
Market Risk Analyst (Job ID : MRA202012)
Applications are invited from current/previous IIQF®️ students for positions in the Market Risk Analytics team of one of the Big 4 Consulting firm. The position will be based in Bengaluru.
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